Tumbalong Green Stage upgrade

Located in the heart of Darling Harbour on Sydney’s CBD fringe, once upgraded, Tumbalong Green Stage will accommodate a rich space for mixed community events and entertainment uses.

The upgrade includes raising the performance stage, new lighting system and AV equipment, but the star of the project is undoubtedly the construction of a new steel and glulam timber structure, with membrane roof on the top. The concept design is done by Hassell, while the preliminary engineering and the full 3D modelling is to be completed by Sydney-based structural engineer TTW. Theca Timber task, through its specialist consultant team of timber professionals, is to bring the design to manufacturability, transportability and ease of erection. The complexity of the structured is pictured by numbers, with over 200 timber members of different dimensions, shape and connections, and north of 800 bespoke steel connections. Last to be considered is that the supply of the entire structure for which Theca Timber has been contracted to happen in record time, just 4 months after 100% design definition. In fact, project completion is due in time for the 2023 Fifa Women’s World Cup, which is going to gather hundreds of football fans and passionate in front of the mega-screens installed under the shell.

  • Client: Kane Constructions
  • Architect: Hassell
  • Completion: 2023
  • Services: Detailed design up to LOD400, Structural Engineering, Fabrication, Delivery to site